Governor Rauner Meets Local Business Leaders at Rochelle Business and Technology Park

Mar 8, 2018 10:45 am

Governor Rauner dropped into the Hub City on Tuesday afternoon to speak with local business leaders at the RMU Technology Center. He highlighted his commitment to bringing more businesses to Illinois through lowering the cost of doing business by reforming Illinois’ outdated workers compensation system and freezing property taxes. He emphasized that Illinois should be more competitive and be able to create thousands of good-paying jobs. Furthermore, the Governor said he is a “Fan” of the Hub City and stated that: “Everywhere I go I tell people about Rochelle. Your community is a place with great infrastructure and what you have to offer as far as transportation, location and workforce.” Community Leaders were able to ask questions of the Governor, which allowed him to hear the concerns from a local perspective. The Governor had staff members on hand to follow up on several concerns that were shared during the hour-long meeting.